Inspired by the timeless tales of the Brothers Grimm, "Dark Strokes: The Legend of the Snow Kingdom"...Read more
In Stray Souls - Stolen Memories, the nerve-wrecking sequel to the hit hidden object game, you conti...Read more
Capture the spirit of a dead witch before she claims another victim!
Your keen powers of observation and stout sense of safety will be tested when you play Into the Haze...Read more
Step into the shoes of Alfred Fox, a private eye with a knack for getting into trouble, and confront...Read more
Your ex-husband killed your father, kidnapped your children, and shot your husband. While your husba...Read more
Science enters uncharted territory in Natural Threat - Ominous Shores, a suspenseful tale of danger ...Read more
Peel back layers of a tragic history to overcome a dark shadow in Echoes of Sorrow, an unnerving gli...Read more
Enjoy a thrilling and unsettling journey in Bramble: The Mountain King, a horror themed action-adven...Read more
Uncover the truth to the demise of an amusement park in Weird Park - Broken Tune, a twisted tale of ...Read more