Takes the player into unfamiliar territory as they use NES-style controls to blast their way through...Read more
Uniquely presented as an hour long documentary film, The Mind of Marlo is a narrative driven adventu...Read more
Behind every brilliant invention, hides a magical story. Guide a troop of tin soldiers through a mag...Read more
Mysterious puzzle inspired by 2001:Space Odyssey. Manage resources, solve challenging puzzles and un...Read more
BIT.TRIP VOID is the third installment in the retro-arcade BIT.TRIP saga. BIT.TRIP VOID is a synesth...Read more
Divine Ascent is a strategy-puzzle game with simple but original and addictive rules. Ancient civili...Read more
In Mini Metro, you take on the task of designing the subway layout for a rapidly expanding city
A joyful, casual puzzle game that will tease both your wits and your memory!
Rescue paradise from the icy touch of the Snow King in this brain-bending puzzler. Make your way thr...Read more