The carnival thrills and chills continue with Weird Park - Scary Tales, a creepy sequel to the equal...Read more
Discover Weird Park - The Final Show, a creepy hidden object finale! A young boy mysteriously disapp...Read more
In Stray Souls - Stolen Memories, the nerve-wrecking sequel to the hit hidden object game, you conti...Read more
Experience how the nightmare began in Twisted Lands: Origin, the third chapter in the fascinating hi...Read more
Your ex-husband killed your father, kidnapped your children, and shot your husband. While your husba...Read more
A young journalist, desperate for a big story, accepts an intriguing assignment: Hunt down an eccent...Read more
Cope with lots of challenging puzzles in the ravishing game The Fog: Trap for Moths! Reveal what tra...Read more
Science enters uncharted territory in Natural Threat - Ominous Shores, a suspenseful tale of danger ...Read more
Fight your terror as darkness descends in Twisted Lands - Shadow Town, an unforgettable search that ...Read more
Cross the fragile boundaries of reality to find safety in Twisted Lands - Insomniac, a mind-bending ...Read more